Tasteful, timeless, and authentically Tuscan, the beautiful DelBrenna Jewelry Boutiques are loved by customers around the world.
DelBrenna is a family-run brand with deep Italian roots and a vision to accessorize happiness. DelBrenna is known for its exquisite craftsmanship, impeccable service, and luxurious design and detail.

Tasteful, timeless, and authentically Tuscan, the beautiful DelBrenna Jewelry Boutiques are loved by customers around the world.
DelBrenna is a family-run brand with deep Italian roots and a vision to accessorize happiness. DelBrenna is known for its exquisite craftsmanship, impeccable service, and luxurious design and detail.
If you are looking for that unique, one of a kind, statement piece of jewelry go to DelBrenna. Beautiful collection and very helpful staff. Make sure to visit their showroom, there are wonderful pieces to choose from.. We will be back the next time, Gracie!
DelBrenna's very first location, a tiny jewel box! Located in the most central piazza of Cortona, Italy, in Tuscany.
The boutique opened in 2008 after generations of studio work. Sebastian and Megan DelBrenna would lovingly wander the streets of Cortona, looking for the perfect little spot to open DelBrenna's first boutique. Eventually, they found it and promised to create a beautiful space by installing a charming chandelier inside. Now, the inspired chandelier is a signature of all DelBrenna retail shops!
View and shop full collections of jewelry under the Tuscan stairs!

DelBrenna's very first location, a tiny jewel box! Located in the most central piazza of Cortona, Italy, in Tuscany.
The boutique opened in 2008 after generations of studio work. Sebastian and Megan DelBrenna would lovingly wander the streets of Cortona, looking for the perfect little spot to open DelBrenna's first boutique. Eventually, they found it and promised to create a beautiful space by installing a charming chandelier inside. Now, the inspired chandelier is a signature of all DelBrenna retail shops!
Scopri le nostre collezioni di gioielli sotto la scalinata più famosa "sotto il sole della Toscana"!

Take the road less traveled and discover one of Cortona's hidden gems.
Tucked away from the hustle and bustle of the main piazza, find the DelBrenna Showroom, which opened in 2013. After creating artisan jewelry for generations in their private studio, DelBrenna wanted to bring their workshop into Cortona and share the phases of jewelry-making with treasured guests. DelBrenna expanded beyond their small boutique enthusiastic about re-creating the quintessential, luxe shopping experience entertaining all five senses for true memory-making.
The intriguing location chosen was an ancient noble family's palazzo cellar in the underground of Cortona. Not only a unique shopping experience but also the family jewelry museum. An elegant & fun space to reset & relax while browsing original handmade jewelry & one-of-a-kind pieces.
Enjoy a glass of Prosecco with gold & silver flakes while you are guided through the ancient olive mill & wine cellar. Discover the secrets of the noble Alfieri-Venuti palace and observe the techniques behind artisan jewelry and DelBrenna's original design.

Megan grew up in Kansas! And Sebastian loves the warm hearts of the Midwest! So they followed the yellow brick road in 2018 and opened a boutique at The Crestwood Shops in Kansas City!
Bringing Italy overseas to the Americas was a journey. Megan & Sebastian perused Tuscany's riches commissioning two lioness sculptures, to protect DelBrenna's treasures in their new distant home. They designed iconic steel window displays and garden gates, hand-made in Italy to present the DelBrenna artistry, and joyfully selected the signature chandelier for their latest expansion. All this, so that guests that cross the threshold into the boutique could be transported to Italy and journey through the Tuscan history of DelBrenna.

Appena fuori dal percorso più turistico della città si trova una delle perle nascoste di Cortona.
Lontano dal clamore della piazza principale nasce lo Showroom DelBrenna, aperto dal 2013. Dopo anni di lavoro artigiano nel laboratorio di famiglia, DelBrenna voleva aprire un piccolo laboratorio nel centro di Cortona, per poter condividere le fasi della creazione del gioiello con i clienti più speciali. Così, da una piccola boutique in piazza, DelBrenna inizia ad espandersi con entusiasmo, dando vita ad un luogo magico, un'esperienza di shopping memorabile, che rappresenta il lusso per antonomasia e l'esaltazione di tutti e 5 i sensi.
La location scelta per lo Showroom era l'antica cantina della famiglia Alfieri Venuti di Cortona, nei locali sotterranei dell'omonimo palazzo nobiliare. Qui non soltanto è possibile ammirare ed acquistare gioielli in una location esclusiva, ma si può anche visitare il museo della famiglia DelBrenna. Uno spazio unico ed elegante, perfetto per rilassarsi e curiosare tra le nostre collezioni di gioielli artigianali e pezzi unici.
Enjoy a glass of Prosecco with gold & silver flakes while you are guided through the ancient olive mill & wine cellar. Discover the secrets of the noble Alfieri-Venuti palace and observe the techniques behind artisan jewelry and DelBrenna's original design.
If you are looking for that unique, one of a kind, statement piece of jewelry go to DelBrenna. Beautiful collection and very helpful staff. Make sure to visit their showroom, there are wonderful pieces to choose from.. We will be back the next time, Gracie!
DelBrenna's decision to open a boutique in Florence, also known as the "Jewel of the Renaissance," was a natural one. Gianna DelBrenna, Sebastian DelBrenna's mother, was born in Florence, so the DelBrenna Family holds the city dear.
The Firenze Atelier, established in 2023, has become a favorite among fans due to its jewelry of course, but also the gorgeous iron-corten displays, chandeliers, and the typical dreamy atmosphere of DelBrenna's interiors. Classical music plays while visitors can browse through history and family photos and view a silversmith's workbench display. Guests are greeted with Italian hospitality and served a glass of sparkling prosecco and may even hear classical musicians playing in the nearby square by the obelisk in front of the Chiesa Santa Trinita, located on Via Tornabuoni - one of Florence's most central streets and the fashion hub of the city. Horse-drawn carriages pass by, adding to the charming atmosphere.
While Florence can be bustling and intense, it also offers moments of surprise and calm where you can even choose a little sparkle to take home as a lifelong treasure full of memories from your adventure in Italy.

Megan è cresciuta in Kansas, e Sebastian ama il calore della gente del Midwest americano. Così, seguendo il famoso sentiro dorato del Mago di Oz, nel 2018 hanno deciso di aprire una boutique a Kansas City, presso The Crestwood Shops.
Bringing Italy overseas to the Americas was a journey. Megan & Sebastian perused Tuscany's riches commissioning two lioness sculptures, to protect DelBrenna's treasures in their new distant home. They designed iconic steel window displays and garden gates, hand-made in Italy to present the DelBrenna artistry, and joyfully selected the signature chandelier for their latest expansion. All this, so that guests that cross the threshold into the boutique could be transported to Italy and journey through the Tuscan history of DelBrenna.

La decisione di DelBrenna di aprire una boutique a Firenze, conosciuta anche come il "Gioiello del Rinascimento", è apparsa subito come una scelta naturale. Gianna DelBrenna, madre di Sebastian DelBrenna, nacque proprio a Firenze, quindi la città è particolarmente cara alla famiglia.
L'Atelier di Firenze, aperto nel 2023, è diventato uno dei preferiti dai clienti non solo per i suoi gioielli di altissima qualità, ma anche per i meravigliosi display in ferro corten, gli eleganti lampadari e l'atmosfera sognante che si respira all'interno. Una delicata musica classica fa da sottofondo mentre i visitatori possono immergersi nella storia e nelle foto di famiglia, e ammirare da vicino il banco da lavoro di un artigianno orafo. Gli ospiti vengono accolti con la tipica ospitalità italiana e un bicchiere di prosecco, mentre da fuori risuonano le note dei musicisti che si esibiscono nella vicina piazza, di fronte all'obelisco, accanto alla Chiesa di Santa Trinita in Via Tornabuoni, una delle strade più centrali di Firenze e fulcro della moda cittadina. Carrozze trainate da cavalli passano di tanto in tanto, creando un'atmosfera affascinante.
Nonostante Firenze possa essere a volte molto vivace e persino frenetica, offre anche momenti di calma e meraviglia, in cui è possibile scegliere uno scintillante gioiello da portare a casa e custodire per la vita, come ricordo dell'avventura italiana.
If you are looking for that unique, one of a kind, statement piece of jewelry go to DelBrenna. Beautiful collection and very helpful staff. Make sure to visit their showroom, there are wonderful pieces to choose from.. We will be back the next time, Gracie!
Location Hours
CORTONA showroom workshop
Vicolo Petrella 17-19
52044 Cortona (AR) Italy
tel: 0575 630643
Primavera e estate aperto dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 10:30 alle 19:00*
*On Thursdays open late until 7:30pm for our Wine Dine Shine Weekly Event.
Sabato e Domenica aperto solo su appuntamento!
Closed for holiday from January 6th to January 31st.
CORTONA boutique & emporium
Piazza della Repubblica 12
52044 Cortona (AR) Italy
tel: 0575 601518
Primavera e estate aperto tutti i giorni dalle 10:30 alle 19:30*
*On Thursdays open late until 8:00pm for our Wine Dine Shine Weekly Event.
Closed for holiday from January 6th to January 31st.
307 E 55th St
Kansas City, MO 64113
tel: {816} 982-9922
Open from Monday to Saturday from 10:00am to 5:00pm (year round)
Chiuso per festività:
New Years
Memorial Day
4th of July